Monday, September 7, 2009


1 comment:

  1. Words of wisdom..

    Knowing that to give up is to be defeated by oneself, continue single-mindedly to take small but significant steps in the shaping of your destiny.

    A pyramid isn't built from the top down. The apex is attained only by laying strong foundation stones, one by one. The same is true of achieving a lofty objective. The crucial thing is to lay the first stone, to take the first step.

    All considerations of position, wealth and reputation aside, the greatest and most enduring triumph as a human being lies in knowing that one is doing one's best

    Failure is an instrumental part of every success. Whether our life has been a triumph or tragedy can only be judged at its very end.

    Name : Rozaimi Muhamad
    Student ID : MH09120
    Section : 05
