Thank You Allah (SWT): Did we get a bill from Allah (SWT)?
A man reached 70 years of age and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him that he needs an operation to cure the disease. He agreed to do the operation as the problem was giving him severe pain for days. When the operation was completed the doctor gave him a bill which covered all the costs. After looking at the bill, the man started crying. Upon seeing this, the doctor said, "If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you." The old man replied, "I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah (SWT) let me urinate for 70 years and HE never sent me a bill!" SubhanAllah!
And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful. - Noble Qur'an (14:34)
Moral: We rarely thank Allah (SWT) for these things which are indeed great favors. Take a little pause and think for a while about the bounties of Allah Almighty within yourself. May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to recognize His bounties and thank Him more often.
I’ll share something to UMP…. I’ll do and renovate a lot of things… Firstly, I’ll renovate TOILETS…..why???????can u answer it????.....because the toilets at certain blok seemed to be horrible especially at my friend’s blok…my first impression when I saw the toilets at her blok was the toilets “ tak lulus” to be used…..i had asked my friend…
“did u used the toilets???”…she said…. “no and I’ll never used it….” Can u imagine how are horrible the toilets????
Then, I’ll renovate hostel… although it’s quite good, there’re some deficiency like door locks, fans ,etc…I’ll make sure that all the damaged will be repaired. It’s ‘ok’ if we want something to be more better, right????? i’ll make sure also the hostel have ‘lif’ or escalator…so we’ll not so tired especially for students that going to Pekan…..
Besides, I’ll renovate the buses used to go to Pekan….it’s because all of the buses seemed to have a lot of problems and make our journey to Pekan being late…or maybe I’ll get the new buses… UMP’s bus not Persiaran’s bus…so, we’ll be able to sleep tightly….heeheeheee….=)
Lastly, I’ll make railways in UMP to make us easy to go everywhere….especially for KK4 and KK2…so,we’ll not worry about their safety anymore..we can also go to class happily without worrying about the punctuality…because of course we’ll be at the class on time…so, lecturers can’t complain about us anymore….
~if u’re the richest in UMP,would u share something to UMP???? ~I hope u’ll…. ~see u next time…. Wassalam…=)
NOR AZIATUL AKMA BINTI AWANG EC09125 salam... for this blog today i want to share with you about our independent day.I particularly proud become citizens Malaysia. in 31 August 2009 our country had accompanied country ' independence day.Do you know what the meaning of independence?among of us which regards independent or freedom only flying the flag. in my opinion,independent means that we were free from all colonization form either colonization of mind.why i said like that?it is because when i'm looking around me,especially teenagers has the attitude that does not thankful.they was forgot their forefathers struggle during pursue to get this we included from this group? how do you feel? what happened with us? think as best as you can... and please love our country
1. Do you save money? (in a saving account, or even a piggy bank) Yes No
I have ten credit cards. I'm in debt. Lots of debt.
2. If you were homeless, would you beg for money? Yes. Anything to make a bit of cash! No. I have too much pride for that. No. My family would help support me. No. I would rather starve.
3. Are you afraid of sharks? Yes. Sharks eat me! No. Sharks are cute! No. I eat sharks. No. That's silly.
4. Do you believe in a crazy little thing called love? Yes! I'm in love right now! Yes! I love lots and lots of people. No. Love is for suckers! No. Nobody loves me.
5. Which is more important: family or friends? Family Friends I am more important! I have neither family nor friends. I'm lonely.
6. How many pairs of shoes do you own? One A few... Six or more I don't wear shoes.
For Izzan Razak who birth in May 19, below are your Love Forecast in Year 2009 :
Thou Shalt Play You can expect a mature, realistic and responsible approach to love with serious Saturn in your 5th House of Romance through late October. You will benefit by making a concerted effort to enhance your image, but that doesn’t come from hard work alone. Having fun gives you a glow that makes you instantly more attractive. Taking time to play is essential for creating space in your heart to give and receive the pleasure you desire. Joy is part of your job now and needs to be on your schedule. Commit to activities that help you feel young, enthusiastic and expressive. These traits are necessities, not luxuries, if love is to blossom in your life. The downside of Saturn in this part of your chart can be feelings of isolation or emotional fatigue that tempt you to give up on love. Happily, spontaneous Uranus’s oppositions to Saturn on February 5 and September 15 should break you out of any funk. Venus’s retrograde period of March 6–April 17 is a critical time to reexamine core patterns in matters of love, partnership and self-worth. Her passage through the haze of your 12th House of Secrets can stir up feelings that you’ve kept hidden even from yourself. Discovering these needs can challenge you to approach intimacy in new and different ways.
(A)ccepts you as you are (B)elieves in "you" (C)alls you just to say "HI" (D)oesn't give up on you (E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts) (F)orgives your mistakes (G)ives unconditionally (H)elps you (I)nvites you over (J)ust "be" with you (K)eeps you close at heart (L)oves you for who you are (M)akes a difference in your life (N)ever Judges (O)ffers support (P)icks you up (Q)uiets your fears (R)aises your spirits (S)ays nice things about you (T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it (U)nderstands you (V)alues you (W)alks beside you (X)-plains things you don't understand (Y)ells when you won't listen and (Z)aps you back to reality
This story is told by my friend from Tampines… They say its true but the mystery is yet to be solved… It happened in Malaysia… There is a guy who had many relationships with girls. After which became pregnant the day before they break up. Many had no choice but to abort their child as many were under age. All the girls were very sad EXCEPT for this women. After being pregnant and abandon by him, she did not abort. Instead, she COMMITTED SUICIDE together with her unborn child and landed on her head… The following day, It was her funeral. There was no choice but for him to attend. Many was there. INCLUDING her parents and a ‘bomoh.’ Throughout the ceremony, the bomoh kept staring at him which makes him feel uneasy. “You caused her death didn’t you. She will come back for revenge. So i suggest that you hide under your bed when it strike midnight.” Looking back at her, he remembered that before she died, she was wearing red dress. He looked around for the bomoh but was no where to be seen… ‘DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG’ The clock strike 12 midnight and he was underneath his bed, waiting, frightened of what is going to happen… ‘TOCK TOCK TOCK‘ “NOT IN HERE!!!” He heard the sound of the woman knocking and saying something… He heard in the next room. ‘TOCK TOCK TOCK‘”NOT IN HERE!!!” Again he heard. One more room before she comes ‘TOCK TOCK TOCK‘ “FOUND YOU!!!” He died mysteriously… he saw her upright before dying and its said to have died of broken head…
A secret that been keep it from long time ago…this is a secret that passes by century and been practice by many successful person such as Albert Einstein, Alexander graham bell, and now jack canfield the writer for chicken soup for soul.
I started to follow and keep this secret since last 2 years; I get it from my classmate. He had been talking about the secret all the day…I feel the topic is interesting, so I go find it out…
What the secret all about??
And I am now telling you… The secret is about the law of attraction…
Did you ever hear about the law of attraction? This is a law that influences the whole universe. It has been proven in scientific. Let take an example of magnet, only different side attracted to each other, same side will repel. Same like human, we only fall in love with the different, that were some kind of example I give…
This is the key of success… Key to manage your life toward the life you want to have.
“What is the secret? The following article might drag you into the world that full with secret.
The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.
Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.
Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.
What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than six million copies in print.
The Secret reveals the natural law that is governing all lives. By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect of your life.”
This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness. This is the secret to life.
I will talk about ways to practice next time and more …see you…
I am going to share with you an article written by aristotle that i read. It was all about Good Character that we need to approach happiness...
Happiness is virtuous action in accordance with the human function, which is to reason. It is complete and self-sufficient. It is sought only as an end, not for the sake of getting something else. It requires virtue and is promoted by certain external goods including good friendship, some degree of financial stability, not being hideous, not having evil children, and other general good fortune.
Virtue is the state that decides. It consists of a mean relative to us. It gives us our ability to function. By repetitive action on the mean, virtues are acquired in the non-rational part of the soul that is accessible to reason. They must be acquired in the non-rational part of the soul that is accessible to reason because the non-rational part of the soul that is inaccessible to reason serves only to maintain autonomic body functions such as blood pressure and animal appetites.
Repetitive action on the mean helps one to acquire prudence, which results in virtues. Prudence is choosing the mean because experience has shown it best promotes happiness. Temperance is the mean of pleasure that is chosen because of prudence.
People do wrong for three reasons. They are either ignorant of the universal, ignorant of the particular, or incontinent. People should be held morally responsible when they are ignorant of the universal because since it is a universal, to be ignorant of it, they must ignore it. Incontinent people must also be held morally responsible since they have knowingly done wrong.
Prudence is the state of grasping the truth, involving reason, and concerned with action about things that are good or bad for a human being. Prudence is not something one can teach to others by giving them an instruction manual. They must experience the human life to acquire prudence.
Prudence is different from craft knowledge because having prudence allows one to make good decisions about living life in general, whereas having craft knowledge allows one to make good decisions to promote the purpose of the craft of which one has knowledge. Prudence is different from wisdom because wisdom is about understanding why an action is good or bad, not just that it is good or bad.
Friendships can be incomplete or complete. Incomplete ones include those for utility or pleasure. Complete friendships are between virtuous people who each wish good to the other for the other’s own sake.
Friendships are among the external goods that help promote happiness. Complete friendships do this best. A good person needs someone to which to do good because happiness is an activity. This person the good person does good to must be good as well or it and the person are not entirely good. If someone “benefits” another in a way that helps the “benefited” person commit base actions, it is certainly not good.
A right kind of polis is necessary to make people be decent because people who are decent by nature are rare. Most find fine actions painful by nature and must be forced by law to do them to avoid punishment. Further, those who are decent by nature can easily be corrupted in a corrupt polis. If injustice is not outlawed, one must do injustice to escape injustice being done to oneself.
Today 11th September 2009, the day that I'm waiting for.You know what special day is today??haha...still thinking?? Ermmmm... Do you want to know the secret? Well, today's night 9.00 p.m. at bus stop UMP(KK4)... Haaa.. can you guess?? YEAH!!! Of course, time to go back home!!HURRAY!!! "My Home Sweet Home". I miss it so much. I'll coming back soon. huhu.. But, sadly I have to 'bersahur' in the bus. This is because my destination to Penang going to take about 8 hours. Maybe I arrive at my hometown about 5-6 a.m. Huh what’s a very tired day.. Eventhough, the journey its quite bored and tired, but I'm feel thankful to Allah because HE still give me an opportunity to live in this world and continue with my life. Alhamdulillah, I have the chance to see my family again that I miss so much. I'm sure they can't wait to see me. But, I think I'm the one who can't wait to see them especially my mum and my dad. LOVE YOU GUYS =)
Salam..there are 3days to go before eid aidilfitri.. i seems not in the mud to clebrate this raya.. y??? i not buy anything my shoes my blouse my hurgH... How to say ek...em everything are not become mine yet..sad??you want to say that to me?? em..yup! so..this is jz coincidence..actually to write my blog today em..nope!bt as im here y not i write it.. i dunno what to write today..i have told you r8 it's jz coincidence.. since saturday my duty at home is clean everything looks dirty..i have done that by myself.. lately my mom cant do it by herself..she got prob with her r8 hand..she cant stretch her hand n even cook she cant do it properly.. everytyme she try to do the above duty i will help her..not to proud myself bt thats my role.. there r 1 day where my mom got pain on her back nearly to her kidney part..the pain is really hurt n make her cry.. bt no 1 is there to help her..includin' my dad becoz he is working at that bros also are not there becoz they at johor(1st bro- working ,2nd bro- studing)my twin n i at perak n pahang.. so she feel sad becoz at the tym she sick no 1 is there well at least give her support.. i dunno about that bt my mom told me after a few days the pain gone.. will this can happen to me???if i become a mom when i fall sick will my children there to help me??if my mom call me at the tym she pain i will give everything to let the pain gone..i felt regret becoz i not help my not there to help her give her support.. tomorow she will meet doc about her pain.. well!i have a topic to write today.. i have to go now.. i need to prepare the dinner.. my 2nd bro will be home today.. papai.... salam.. love you all lots2!!!
On 2004, me and my family moves to our new and beautiful house... Before this, we live with my grandmother at the village,we live there for about 5 years and there were so much memories.... When we were in village, my parents making traditional cakes while me and my siblings selling the cakes at school and at the stall in front of our house.... At that time, my family have about 4 maids to help my parents making cakes and to do the housechores....everyday my mom will go to sleep at 1 o'clock and wake up at 4.30 in the morning to make traditional cakes... One night, two of our maids go upstairs to sleep when suddenly we saw both of them running downstairs like they were being chased by someone... My mom ask them what happened? and they reply, there were someone knocking at the window of their room...the weird thing is, there is no roof in between the second floor and the ground floor of our house... So, both of them stay up all the night as they were to scared to sleep.. The next morning, our neighbour come to our house and ask my father, "Do you have a new maid?", my father then said "No we don't, why?", our neighbour said again "I saw someone is doing the laundry at your balcony at 1 a.m last night, she just wear kain batik and her hair is so long"... That really freak us out..haha From that night, we never sleep upstairs again, we just let our second floor empty and sometime, we can hear a woman singing from one of the room...
ok today i'd like to tell u how to make chocolate moist cake. i've made one! i just cant believe it. my ibu said that the cake is not 'menjadi' but i still like it. it was during my form 5. i bragged to the whole class haha. and my clasmates like it. the boys ate the cake like they never seen a cake haha. so i'd like to share with u how to make an irresistable cake =)
1st step: Beat 2 sticks softened butter until smooth, adding 5 cups sifted confectioners' sugar and 1 cup sifted unsweetened cocoa to butter. Using low speed, slowly add 1 to 3 tablespoon heavy cream until right buttercream consistency. Set aside.
Step 2: Grate coarsely the Godiva white chocolate candy bar and 1 Godiva milk chocolate candy bar. Refrigerate. Melt 4 Godiva milk chocolate candy bars, 4 Hershey candy bars and the 15 1/2 oz. Hershey's Syrup over low heat.
Step 3: Cream 2 sticks butter and add 2 cups sugar; add 4 eggs, one at a time, beating well. Add cooled chocolate mixture, mixing well.
Step 4: Combine 3 1/2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon soda and a pinch of salt. Slowly add flour mixture to buttermilk alternately, ending with vanilla and pecans last.
Step 5: Place batter in 9" parchment-lined cake pans and place in preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes or until done. Remove layers to wire racks and cool completely. Cut each layer in half, making six layers. u can also 'kukus' the mixture to have a better moist taste.
Step 6: Place a cake layer on plate. Make holes in each layer and spoon or brush on Bailey's Irish Cream, soaking layer well. Add buttercream icing. Continue doing all layers with Bailey's Irish Cream and buttercream icing.
HOW TO BECOME A GOOD PUBLIC SPEAKER? (based on my life time experience)
Today I would like to share my experience on how we can become a good public speaker? All this tips is proudly brought by me myself. Actually, it is difficult to talk or give a speech in front of a lots of people especially when we know all the people. It is me. First thing we should know when we want to start our talk or speech, we should know what we want to say actually. Then stand still with our eye look at the audience. Look all of them rapidly just to know how many listeners we have. Then, take a deep breath, smile and start your speech. in the middle of the speech, don't you ever let your hand to be under your bottom level. This is because once you let it down you will start losing your control to yourself and if you're nervous it shows.
After finishing everything, teke a deep breath once again, smile and say thank you to your audience. As simple as that.
So, please give atry can make it, insyaAllah...
Wait for my next entry okay.. Daaaa~
" With the name of Allah I just want to be What I meant to be To create my best destiny For people around of me "
before i came to UMP i was workin as an international shipper... one day i came late for my work... there's a parcel been transited to japan... no one informed me about this transit.... i receive a col at around 3pm from malaysian's customs they were looking for the international shippper... the conversation like this.....
ring ring...ring ring....
me>hello gud evening ram speaking..... officer>hello im looking for the international shipper
me>yes speaking... officer>you are about to get arrested for sending high value of drugs to overseas using dhl....
me>????me????sending drugs???when??where??you are kidding rite...? officer>no we are not..there is a parcel to japan contains drugs...10 kg of have to come to klia for an!!!
me>ok ok...there could be a mistake....cause i havent send any parcel of 10kg's to japan lately.....could u provide me with the airway bill number...? officer>yes...the number is 130160XXX...
me>ok that is fine ..i will fing out who send this parcel...
after i check it out...i found out that my worker had send it out without my permission or checking the parcel... we went to the klia and explain he real situation... thank god the said ok..... phewwww..... that was a tough day.....
i'd know this someone. he's very kind. almost to all woman in this world. he had married. and have 3 children. but, because of his kindness, many woman admire him. he is a straight guy with a good attitude. he's handsome and his children also good looking. but, he not loyal to his family. because he had a lot of money,he think he can buy his love?? did he know that his children sick of this life when he did wrong to their mother??? if you are at his children place, can u stand with this problem? so poor to his children. i wonder how can they survive with their father attitude. it too shamed. hurm, i hope one day,their father will realize his mistake. he will learn more about his responsibility. as life goes on,i hope their children will forgive their father. give their father second chance. he should know his children feeling. he should proud to have a very good and successful children. may ALLAH bless their family. please learn from your mistake. don't make someone cry. it really hurt,you know. huhu~
1. Keep a "stress journal" to learn what triggers your stress and to brainstorm how you might limit those triggers. 2. Train yourself to minimize negative thinking and prioritize tasks so you aren't stressing about the small stuff. 3. Try unplugging from technology every so often to clear your mind. 4. Learn to rely on a social support system that includes friends, family, co-workers, and even pets. 5. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation to reduce stress. 6. Engage in hobbies, exercise, or other activities you enjoy. 7. Remember that belly laughs and even smiling will send triggers to your brain to relax and enjoy the moment.
“I’ll fix you up,” said the godmother, who was a fairy when she was not busy being a godmother.
“Go get me a pumpkin from the garden,” she told Cinderella, who could not figure out how a pumpkin was going to help in the situation.
Cinderella brought the pumpkin to her straightaway, and the godmother touched it with her magic wand. Suddenly, it turned into a coach.
“Now, grab me that mouse trap,” she said. “We need horses for the coach.”
Cinderella did as she was told and lifted the trap door. Her godmother touched the mice with the wand and turned them into horses.
“Who is going to drive the coach?” asked Cinderella.
“Go to the closet,” replied the godmother.
Cinderella went to the closet and opened it. There was a man inside bound and gagged on the floor. Now, it appeared they had everything they needed.
“What about my clothes?” asked Cinderella, whose apparel consisted of mere rags.
Her godmother touched her with the wand, which turned the rags into a beautiful dress that was far more stylish than her sisters’ dresses. Then, she gave Cinderella the prettiest glass slippers in the world and a diaphragm. By strict law, pregnancy outside of wedlock resulted in the death of the godparents.
As Cinderella entered the carriage, her godmother told her not to stay out past midnight for when the clock strikes twelve o’clock, her coach will become a pumpkin, her horses will be mice again, her clothes will turn back into rags, and her diaphragm will remain intact.
Cinderella thanked her sincerely and then rode off to the party. When she arrived, the party was crowded with all kinds of sphincters. As soon as she entered the room, however, everybody turned to look. “Who was this beautiful princess?” they all thought
Cinderella made her way onto the dance floor. She moved like a sick baboon with hemorrhoids, considering she had never danced before. This did not bother the crowd, though, who still marveled at the lovely young woman. When she was done dancing, she approached her two sisters knowing she had to be careful not to reveal her identity.
“Say,” they said. “You look just like our stepsister. What’s your name?”
“Cinderella,” she replied.
“What a coincidence,” they said. “Our stepsister’s name is Cinderella.”
Cinderella breathed a sigh of relief. They did not suspect a thing. The Prince was another admirer of hers that evening. He could look at nothing else. Finally, when the opportunity presented itself, he approached her.
“Excuse me,” he said. “Are you Cinderella?”
“Well, that’s not my real name,” she said. “That’s just what my sisters call me.”
“Oh, what’s your real name?”
“I see,” said the Prince. “Well, would you like to dance, Cinderella?”
“Of course,” she replied happily.
They danced many times that evening. Suddenly, Cinderella heard the clock strike a quarter to twelve. She quickly left the Prince’s arms and fled the castle. When her sisters returned home later, Cinderella pretended that she had been sleeping the whole night and yawned.
“How was the party?” she asked.
“It was bitchin,” they said. “There was this princess there who looked like you, except she was prettier and smarter. The Prince was really hot for her too. After she left, he was asking if anybody knew her.”
Cinderella was ecstatic to hear this, though she hid her excitement well.
Today’s technology has amazingly affected our daily life, right? From reading news to writing journals and articles, all can be done using computers. The latest version of Microsoft Windows we known in this era is Windows Vista. But, how many years has it been released after years of practicality of Windows XP and Windows XP Professional? As far as I am concerned, it is probably 1 to 2 years compared to those two XPs, which has been released a lot longer than Vista. I have read this article on Yahoo! Tech. “Windows 7: A better Vista?”. Soon, there will be a newer, better improved version of Windows Vista, which is Windows 7. I have been using Windows Vista Home Basic for almost a year now, and I found that this version of operating system is a bit of waste. Why is it a waste? Well, from my experience, it takes some time to start up and shut down the Windows. So, it is a waste of time. In order to prevent this, user must upgrade the computer’s RAM (Random Access Memory) to at least 2GB to improve the computer’s performance, which can be done at the computer stores where the user has to pay for it. As a matter of fact, it is not available for less than RM80++ per 1GB. It is a little expensive, right? Well, with this Windows 7, due to be out next year, is expected to replace this much-maligned Vista. What I am going to say here is that it is quite unsatisfying that users who have been using Vista, that is the latest version of Windows, and soon there will be a new one replacing it. It is rather wasteful that the user has to format their computers and turn to Windows 7 in order to get the better, more convenient Windows.
The article that I read in internet is about Boracay sland,Philipines. Boracay, arguably one of the best beaches in the world and a source of Philippine pride. Its long white sand beaches of more popular destination such as the Caribbean. Most visitors opt for motorized tricycles, which act as the island's taxis and make up most of its traffic. Rides are very expensive. In the article also state that we can have many activities . For example, scuba diving, boat tours, kiteboarding,skimboarding, massage or spa and water activities. Facilities are available to suit different level activities. For example, facilities for the usual water sports activities such as sailing, wind surfing, snorkeling, diving and jet skiing. Boracay nightlife is pulsating with many bars and restaurants serving food, drink and fun until the very late evening. Whether go by plane or by boat, the port of entry for Boracay Island is a small town of Caticlan on the mainland. And then the short boat trip to Boracay’s jetty port at Cagban.
Fajartulnur Heroni
Thank You Allah (SWT): Did we get a bill from Allah (SWT)?
A man reached 70 years of age and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate. The doctors told him that he needs an operation to cure the disease. He agreed to do the operation as the problem was giving him severe pain for days. When the operation was completed the doctor gave him a bill which covered all the costs. After looking at the bill, the man started crying. Upon seeing this, the doctor said, "If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you." The old man replied, "I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah (SWT) let me urinate for 70 years and HE never sent me a bill!" SubhanAllah!
And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful.
- Noble Qur'an (14:34)
Moral: We rarely thank Allah (SWT) for these things which are indeed great favors. Take a little pause and think for a while about the bounties of Allah Almighty within yourself. May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to recognize His bounties and thank Him more often.
If I’m the richest in UMP…..
I’ll share something to UMP…. I’ll do and renovate a lot of things… Firstly, I’ll renovate TOILETS…..why???????can u answer it????.....because the toilets at certain blok seemed to be horrible especially at my friend’s blok…my first impression when I saw the toilets at her blok was the toilets “ tak lulus” to be used…..i had asked my friend…
“did u used the toilets???”…she said….
“no and I’ll never used it….”
Can u imagine how are horrible the toilets????
Then, I’ll renovate hostel… although it’s quite good, there’re some deficiency like door locks, fans ,etc…I’ll make sure that all the damaged will be repaired. It’s ‘ok’ if we want something to be more better, right????? i’ll make sure also the hostel have ‘lif’ or escalator…so we’ll not so tired especially for students that going to Pekan…..
Besides, I’ll renovate the buses used to go to Pekan….it’s because all of the buses seemed to have a lot of problems and make our journey to Pekan being late…or maybe I’ll get the new buses… UMP’s bus not Persiaran’s bus…so, we’ll be able to sleep tightly….heeheeheee….=)
Lastly, I’ll make railways in UMP to make us easy to go everywhere….especially for KK4 and KK2…so,we’ll not worry about their safety anymore..we can also go to class happily without worrying about the punctuality…because of course we’ll be at the class on time…so, lecturers can’t complain about us anymore….
~if u’re the richest in UMP,would u share something to UMP????
~I hope u’ll….
~see u next time….
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for this blog today i want to share with you about our independent day.I particularly proud become citizens Malaysia.
in 31 August 2009 our country had accompanied country ' independence day.Do you know what the meaning of independence?among of us which regards independent or freedom only flying the flag.
in my opinion,independent means that we were free from all colonization form either colonization of mind.why i said like that?it is because when i'm looking around me,especially teenagers has the attitude that does not thankful.they was forgot their forefathers struggle during pursue to get this we included from this group?
how do you feel?
what happened with us?
think as best as you can...
and please love our country
Take the Rich Quiz!
1. Do you save money? (in a saving account, or even a piggy bank)
I have ten credit cards. I'm in debt. Lots of debt.
2. If you were homeless, would you beg for money?
Yes. Anything to make a bit of cash!
No. I have too much pride for that.
No. My family would help support me.
No. I would rather starve.
3. Are you afraid of sharks?
Yes. Sharks eat me!
No. Sharks are cute!
No. I eat sharks.
No. That's silly.
4. Do you believe in a crazy little thing called love?
Yes! I'm in love right now!
Yes! I love lots and lots of people.
No. Love is for suckers!
No. Nobody loves me.
5. Which is more important: family or friends?
I am more important!
I have neither family nor friends. I'm lonely.
6. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
A few...
Six or more
I don't wear shoes.
norizzan abd razak
For Izzan Razak who birth in May 19, below are your Love Forecast in Year 2009 :
Thou Shalt Play
You can expect a mature, realistic and responsible approach to love with serious Saturn in your 5th House of Romance through late October. You will benefit by making a concerted effort to enhance your image, but that doesn’t come from hard work alone. Having fun gives you a glow that makes you instantly more attractive. Taking time to play is essential for creating space in your heart to give and receive the pleasure you desire. Joy is part of your job now and needs to be on your schedule. Commit to activities that help you feel young, enthusiastic and expressive. These traits are necessities, not luxuries, if love is to blossom in your life. The downside of Saturn in this part of your chart can be feelings of isolation or emotional fatigue that tempt you to give up on love. Happily, spontaneous Uranus’s oppositions to Saturn on February 5 and September 15 should break you out of any funk. Venus’s retrograde period of March 6–April 17 is a critical time to reexamine core patterns in matters of love, partnership and self-worth. Her passage through the haze of your 12th House of Secrets can stir up feelings that you’ve kept hidden even from yourself. Discovering these needs can challenge you to approach intimacy in new and different ways.
Topic : ABC's of Friendship
(A)ccepts you as you are
(B)elieves in "you"
(C)alls you just to say "HI"
(D)oesn't give up on you
(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)
(F)orgives your mistakes
(G)ives unconditionally
(H)elps you
(I)nvites you over
(J)ust "be" with you
(K)eeps you close at heart
(L)oves you for who you are
(M)akes a difference in your life
(N)ever Judges
(O)ffers support
(P)icks you up
(Q)uiets your fears
(R)aises your spirits
(S)ays nice things about you
(T)ells you the truth when you need to hear it
(U)nderstands you
(V)alues you
(W)alks beside you
(X)-plains things you don't understand
(Y)ells when you won't listen and
(Z)aps you back to reality
Farah Syazana binti Roslan
This story is told by my friend from Tampines… They say its true but the mystery is yet to be solved… It happened in Malaysia…
There is a guy who had many relationships with girls. After which became pregnant the day before they break up. Many had no choice but to abort their child as many were under age. All the girls were very sad EXCEPT for this women. After being pregnant and abandon by him, she did not abort. Instead, she COMMITTED SUICIDE together with her unborn child and landed on her head…
The following day, It was her funeral. There was no choice but for him to attend. Many was there. INCLUDING her parents and a ‘bomoh.’ Throughout the ceremony, the bomoh kept staring at him which makes him feel uneasy. “You caused her death didn’t you. She will come back for revenge. So i suggest that you hide under your bed when it strike midnight.” Looking back at her, he remembered that before she died, she was wearing red dress. He looked around for the bomoh but was no where to be seen…
‘DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG,DONG’ The clock strike 12 midnight and he was underneath his bed, waiting, frightened of what is going to happen…
‘TOCK TOCK TOCK‘ “NOT IN HERE!!!” He heard the sound of the woman knocking and saying something… He heard in the next room. ‘TOCK TOCK TOCK‘”NOT IN HERE!!!” Again he heard. One more room before she comes ‘TOCK TOCK TOCK‘ “FOUND YOU!!!” He died mysteriously… he saw her upright before dying and its said to have died of broken head…
Today, I would like to tell you a secret.
ReplyDeleteA secret.
A secret that been keep it from long time ago…this is a secret that passes by century and been practice by many successful person such as Albert Einstein, Alexander graham bell, and now jack canfield the writer for chicken soup for soul.
I started to follow and keep this secret since last 2 years; I get it from my classmate. He had been talking about the secret all the day…I feel the topic is interesting, so I go find it out…
What the secret all about??
And I am now telling you…
The secret is about the law of attraction…
Did you ever hear about the law of attraction? This is a law that influences the whole universe. It has been proven in scientific. Let take an example of magnet, only different side attracted to each other, same side will repel. Same like human, we only fall in love with the different, that were some kind of example I give…
This is the key of success…
Key to manage your life toward the life you want to have.
“What is the secret? The following article might drag you into the world that full with secret.
The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.
Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.
Rhonda Byrne's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book. She went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.
What Rhonda discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than six million copies in print.
The Secret reveals the natural law that is governing all lives. By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect of your life.”
This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness. This is the secret to life.
I will talk about ways to practice next time and more …see you…
I am going to share with you an article written by aristotle that i read.
It was all about Good Character that we need to approach happiness...
Happiness is virtuous action in accordance with the human function, which is to reason. It is complete and self-sufficient. It is sought only as an end, not for the sake of getting something else. It requires virtue and is promoted by certain external goods including good friendship, some degree of financial stability, not being hideous, not having evil children, and other general good fortune.
Virtue is the state that decides. It consists of a mean relative to us. It gives us our ability to function. By repetitive action on the mean, virtues are acquired in the non-rational part of the soul that is accessible to reason. They must be acquired in the non-rational part of the soul that is accessible to reason because the non-rational part of the soul that is inaccessible to reason serves only to maintain autonomic body functions such as blood pressure and animal appetites.
Repetitive action on the mean helps one to acquire prudence, which results in virtues. Prudence is choosing the mean because experience has shown it best promotes happiness. Temperance is the mean of pleasure that is chosen because of prudence.
People do wrong for three reasons. They are either ignorant of the universal, ignorant of the particular, or incontinent. People should be held morally responsible when they are ignorant of the universal because since it is a universal, to be ignorant of it, they must ignore it. Incontinent people must also be held morally responsible since they have knowingly done wrong.
Prudence is the state of grasping the truth, involving reason, and concerned with action about things that are good or bad for a human being. Prudence is not something one can teach to others by giving them an instruction manual. They must experience the human life to acquire prudence.
Prudence is different from craft knowledge because having prudence allows one to make good decisions about living life in general, whereas having craft knowledge allows one to make good decisions to promote the purpose of the craft of which one has knowledge. Prudence is different from wisdom because wisdom is about understanding why an action is good or bad, not just that it is good or bad.
Friendships can be incomplete or complete. Incomplete ones include those for utility or pleasure. Complete friendships are between virtuous people who each wish good to the other for the other’s own sake.
Friendships are among the external goods that help promote happiness. Complete friendships do this best. A good person needs someone to which to do good because happiness is an activity. This person the good person does good to must be good as well or it and the person are not entirely good. If someone “benefits” another in a way that helps the “benefited” person commit base actions, it is certainly not good.
A right kind of polis is necessary to make people be decent because people who are decent by nature are rare. Most find fine actions painful by nature and must be forced by law to do them to avoid punishment. Further, those who are decent by nature can easily be corrupted in a corrupt polis. If injustice is not outlawed, one must do injustice to escape injustice being done to oneself.
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ReplyDeleteWan Nur Dayana Binti Wan Anuuar Shahiddin
Hi there
We meet again!!
Today 11th September 2009, the day that I'm waiting for.You know what special day is today??haha...still thinking??
Do you want to know the secret?
Well, today's night 9.00 p.m. at bus stop UMP(KK4)...
Haaa.. can you guess??
Of course, time to go back home!!HURRAY!!!
"My Home Sweet Home". I miss it so much.
I'll coming back soon. huhu.. But, sadly I have to 'bersahur' in the bus. This is because my destination to Penang going to take about 8 hours. Maybe I arrive at my hometown about 5-6 a.m.
Huh what’s a very tired day..
Eventhough, the journey its quite bored and tired, but I'm feel thankful to Allah because HE still give me an opportunity to live in this world and continue with my life. Alhamdulillah, I have the chance to see my family again that I miss so much. I'm sure they can't wait to see me. But, I think I'm the one who can't wait to see them especially my mum and my dad. LOVE YOU GUYS =)
Salam..there are 3days to go before eid aidilfitri..
i seems not in the mud to clebrate this raya..
i not buy anything my shoes my blouse my hurgH...
How to say ek...em everything are not become mine yet..sad??you want to say that to me??
so..this is jz coincidence..actually to write my blog today em..nope!bt as im here y not i write it..
i dunno what to write today..i have told you r8 it's jz coincidence..
since saturday my duty at home is clean everything looks dirty..i have done that by myself..
lately my mom cant do it by herself..she got prob with her r8 hand..she cant stretch her hand n even cook she cant do it properly..
everytyme she try to do the above duty i will help her..not to proud myself bt thats my role..
there r 1 day where my mom got pain on her back nearly to her kidney part..the pain is really hurt n make her cry..
bt no 1 is there to help her..includin' my dad becoz he is working at that bros also are not there becoz they at johor(1st bro- working ,2nd bro- studing)my twin n i at perak n pahang..
so she feel sad becoz at the tym she sick no 1 is there well at least give her support..
i dunno about that bt my mom told me after a few days the pain gone..
will this can happen to me???if i become a mom when i fall sick will my children there to help me??if my mom call me at the tym she pain i will give everything to let the pain gone..i felt regret becoz i not help my not there to help her give her support..
tomorow she will meet doc about her pain..
well!i have a topic to write today..
i have to go now..
i need to prepare the dinner..
my 2nd bro will be home today..
love you all lots2!!!
On 2004, me and my family moves to our new and beautiful house...
Before this, we live with my grandmother at the village,we live there for about 5 years and there were so much memories....
When we were in village, my parents making traditional cakes while me and my siblings selling the cakes at school and at the stall in front of our house....
At that time, my family have about 4 maids to help my parents making cakes and to do the housechores....everyday my mom will go to sleep at 1 o'clock and wake up at 4.30 in the morning to make traditional cakes...
One night, two of our maids go upstairs to sleep when suddenly we saw both of them running downstairs like they were being chased by someone...
My mom ask them what happened? and they reply, there were someone knocking at the window of their room...the weird thing is, there is no roof in between the second floor and the ground floor of our house...
So, both of them stay up all the night as they were to scared to sleep..
The next morning, our neighbour come to our house and ask my father, "Do you have a new maid?", my father then said "No we don't, why?", our neighbour said again "I saw someone is doing the laundry at your balcony at 1 a.m last night, she just wear kain batik and her hair is so long"...
That really freak us out..haha
From that night, we never sleep upstairs again, we just let our second floor empty and sometime, we can hear a woman singing from one of the room...
ok today i'd like to tell u how to make chocolate moist cake. i've made one! i just cant believe it. my ibu said that the cake is not 'menjadi' but i still like it. it was during my form 5. i bragged to the whole class haha. and my clasmates like it. the boys ate the cake like they never seen a cake haha. so i'd like to share with u how to make an irresistable cake =)
1st step:
Beat 2 sticks softened butter until smooth, adding 5 cups sifted confectioners' sugar and 1 cup sifted unsweetened cocoa to butter. Using low speed, slowly add 1 to 3 tablespoon heavy cream until right buttercream consistency. Set aside.
Step 2:
Grate coarsely the Godiva white chocolate candy bar and 1 Godiva milk chocolate candy bar. Refrigerate. Melt 4 Godiva milk chocolate candy bars, 4 Hershey candy bars and the 15 1/2 oz. Hershey's Syrup over low heat.
Step 3:
Cream 2 sticks butter and add 2 cups sugar; add 4 eggs, one at a time, beating well. Add cooled chocolate mixture, mixing well.
Step 4:
Combine 3 1/2 cups flour, 1/2 teaspoon soda and a pinch of salt. Slowly add flour mixture to buttermilk alternately, ending with vanilla and pecans last.
Step 5:
Place batter in 9" parchment-lined cake pans and place in preheated 350 degree oven for 25 minutes or until done. Remove layers to wire racks and cool completely. Cut each layer in half, making six layers. u can also 'kukus' the mixture to have a better moist taste.
Step 6:
Place a cake layer on plate. Make holes in each layer and spoon or brush on Bailey's Irish Cream, soaking layer well. Add buttercream icing. Continue doing all layers with Bailey's Irish Cream and buttercream icing.
there you go. chocolate moist cake =))
love, sarah.
Salam and good morning everyone....
(based on my life time experience)
Today I would like to share my experience on how we can become a good public speaker? All this tips is proudly brought by me myself. Actually, it is difficult to talk or give a speech in front of a lots of people especially when we know all the people. It is me. First thing we should know when we want to start our talk or speech, we should know what we want to say actually. Then stand still with our eye look at the audience. Look all of them rapidly just to know how many listeners we have. Then, take a deep breath, smile and start your speech. in the middle of the speech, don't you ever let your hand to be under your bottom level. This is because once you let it down you will start losing your control to yourself and if you're nervous it shows.
After finishing everything, teke a deep breath once again, smile and say thank you to your audience. As simple as that.
So, please give atry can make it, insyaAllah...
Wait for my next entry okay..
" With the name of Allah
I just want to be
What I meant to be
To create my best destiny
For people around of me "
- a piece of poem written by me
before i came to UMP i was workin as an international shipper...
one day i came late for my work...
there's a parcel been transited to japan...
no one informed me about this transit....
i receive a col at around 3pm from malaysian's customs they were looking for the international shippper...
the conversation like this.....
ring ring...ring ring....
me>hello gud evening ram speaking.....
officer>hello im looking for the international shipper
me>yes speaking...
officer>you are about to get arrested for sending high value of drugs to overseas using dhl....
me>????me????sending drugs???when??where??you are kidding rite...?
officer>no we are not..there is a parcel to japan contains drugs...10 kg of have to come to klia for an!!!
me>ok ok...there could be a mistake....cause i havent send any parcel of 10kg's to japan lately.....could u provide me with the airway bill number...?
officer>yes...the number is 130160XXX...
me>ok that is fine ..i will fing out who send this parcel...
after i check it out...i found out that my worker had send it out without my permission or checking the parcel...
we went to the klia and explain he real situation...
thank god the said ok.....
that was a tough day.....
i'd know this someone. he's very kind. almost to all woman in this world. he had married. and have 3 children. but, because of his kindness, many woman admire him. he is a straight guy with a good attitude. he's handsome and his children also good looking. but, he not loyal to his family. because he had a lot of money,he think he can buy his love?? did he know that his children sick of this life when he did wrong to their mother??? if you are at his children place, can u stand with this problem? so poor to his children. i wonder how can they survive with their father attitude. it too shamed. hurm, i hope one day,their father will realize his mistake. he will learn more about his responsibility. as life goes on,i hope their children will forgive their father. give their father second chance. he should know his children feeling. he should proud to have a very good and successful children. may ALLAH bless their family. please learn from your mistake. don't make someone cry. it really hurt,you know. huhu~
1. Keep a "stress journal" to learn what triggers your stress and to brainstorm how you might limit those triggers.
2. Train yourself to minimize negative thinking and prioritize tasks so you aren't stressing about the small stuff.
3. Try unplugging from technology every so often to clear your mind.
4. Learn to rely on a social support system that includes friends, family, co-workers, and even pets.
5. Try relaxation techniques like deep breathing exercises, yoga, and meditation to reduce stress.
6. Engage in hobbies, exercise, or other activities you enjoy.
7. Remember that belly laughs and even smiling will send triggers to your brain to relax and enjoy the moment.
To my Father, with Love
ReplyDeleteYou've loved your family from the very start
What you and mom have created can never be torn apart
You've always been there whenever I needed
You make me feel special by the way I am treated
You are my father for which I am glad
Without you in my life I would be truly sad
You've made me laugh, you've made me cry
You've let me make my own decisions because you knew I had to try
For you as a father I have no complaint
I love you to pieces, but I know you're no saint
I cherish the closeness that we now share
I want you to know how very much I care
You are the gift that was given to me
Your love for me is truly the key
To sum it all up, just let me say
I love you, I love you, each and everyday
Happy Birthday
Cinderella, still in tears, nodded.
“I’ll fix you up,” said the godmother, who was a fairy when she was not busy being a godmother.
“Go get me a pumpkin from the garden,” she told Cinderella, who could not figure out how a pumpkin was going to help in the situation.
Cinderella brought the pumpkin to her straightaway, and the godmother touched it with her magic wand. Suddenly, it turned into a coach.
“Now, grab me that mouse trap,” she said. “We need horses for the coach.”
Cinderella did as she was told and lifted the trap door. Her godmother touched the mice with the wand and turned them into horses.
“Who is going to drive the coach?” asked Cinderella.
“Go to the closet,” replied the godmother.
Cinderella went to the closet and opened it. There was a man inside bound and gagged on the floor. Now, it appeared they had everything they needed.
“What about my clothes?” asked Cinderella, whose apparel consisted of mere rags.
Her godmother touched her with the wand, which turned the rags into a beautiful dress that was far more stylish than her sisters’ dresses. Then, she gave Cinderella the prettiest glass slippers in the world and a diaphragm. By strict law, pregnancy outside of wedlock resulted in the death of the godparents.
As Cinderella entered the carriage, her godmother told her not to stay out past midnight for when the clock strikes twelve o’clock, her coach will become a pumpkin, her horses will be mice again, her clothes will turn back into rags, and her diaphragm will remain intact.
Cinderella thanked her sincerely and then rode off to the party. When she arrived, the party was crowded with all kinds of sphincters. As soon as she entered the room, however, everybody turned to look. “Who was this beautiful princess?” they all thought
Cinderella made her way onto the dance floor. She moved like a sick baboon with hemorrhoids, considering she had never danced before. This did not bother the crowd, though, who still marveled at the lovely young woman. When she was done dancing, she approached her two sisters knowing she had to be careful not to reveal her identity.
“Say,” they said. “You look just like our stepsister. What’s your name?”
“Cinderella,” she replied.
“What a coincidence,” they said. “Our stepsister’s name is Cinderella.”
Cinderella breathed a sigh of relief. They did not suspect a thing. The Prince was another admirer of hers that evening. He could look at nothing else. Finally, when the opportunity presented itself, he approached her.
“Excuse me,” he said. “Are you Cinderella?”
“Well, that’s not my real name,” she said. “That’s just what my sisters call me.”
“Oh, what’s your real name?”
“I see,” said the Prince. “Well, would you like to dance, Cinderella?”
“Of course,” she replied happily.
They danced many times that evening. Suddenly, Cinderella heard the clock strike a quarter to twelve. She quickly left the Prince’s arms and fled the castle. When her sisters returned home later, Cinderella pretended that she had been sleeping the whole night and yawned.
“How was the party?” she asked.
“It was bitchin,” they said. “There was this princess there who looked like you, except she was prettier and smarter. The Prince was really hot for her too. After she left, he was asking if anybody knew her.”
Cinderella was ecstatic to hear this, though she hid her excitement well.
Today’s technology has amazingly affected our daily life, right? From reading news to writing journals and articles, all can be done using computers. The latest version of Microsoft Windows we known in this era is Windows Vista. But, how many years has it been released after years of practicality of Windows XP and Windows XP Professional? As far as I am concerned, it is probably 1 to 2 years compared to those two XPs, which has been released a lot longer than Vista. I have read this article on Yahoo! Tech. “Windows 7: A better Vista?”. Soon, there will be a newer, better improved version of Windows Vista, which is Windows 7. I have been using Windows Vista Home Basic for almost a year now, and I found that this version of operating system is a bit of waste. Why is it a waste? Well, from my experience, it takes some time to start up and shut down the Windows. So, it is a waste of time. In order to prevent this, user must upgrade the computer’s RAM (Random Access Memory) to at least 2GB to improve the computer’s performance, which can be done at the computer stores where the user has to pay for it. As a matter of fact, it is not available for less than RM80++ per 1GB. It is a little expensive, right? Well, with this Windows 7, due to be out next year, is expected to replace this much-maligned Vista. What I am going to say here is that it is quite unsatisfying that users who have been using Vista, that is the latest version of Windows, and soon there will be a new one replacing it. It is rather wasteful that the user has to format their computers and turn to Windows 7 in order to get the better, more convenient Windows.
The article that I read in internet is about Boracay sland,Philipines. Boracay, arguably one of the best beaches in the world and a source of Philippine pride. Its long white sand beaches of more popular destination such as the Caribbean. Most visitors opt for motorized tricycles, which act as the island's taxis and make up most of its traffic. Rides are very expensive.
ReplyDeleteIn the article also state that we can have many activities . For example, scuba diving, boat tours, kiteboarding,skimboarding, massage or spa and water activities. Facilities are available to suit different level activities. For example, facilities for the usual water sports activities such as sailing, wind surfing, snorkeling, diving and jet skiing. Boracay nightlife is pulsating with many bars and restaurants serving food, drink and fun until the very late evening.
Whether go by plane or by boat, the port of entry for Boracay Island is a small town of Caticlan on the mainland. And then the short boat trip to Boracay’s jetty port at Cagban.